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My First Christmas Photo album
A photo album for your baby's first Christmas

Softcover Christmas Photo Albums

Fabric Hardcover Christmas Photo Albums

Printed Hardcover Christmas Photo Albums
Photo ideas for your baby's first Christmas
Alternate between casual photos of your guests happily chatting away around a tasty Christmas dinner, and formal pictures of your whole family standing in front of the fireplace, your newborn looking adorable in its red jumpsuit in Grandpa’s arms. Take this opportunity to take individual pictures of your loved ones holding your baby so that everyone gets to spend some time with your bundle of joy. Think about taking close-up portraits while no one is paying attention to the camera. The spontaneity of their interactions will give a lively touch to your Christmas photo album. Do the same with your baby, by capturing the moments he or she reacts to this new environment. It could be his or her amazement of the cold white flakes that fall from the sky, or his or her sleepy face on the sofa in mum’s arms.
Organise your baby's first Christmas album
You can organise your Christmas photo book by simply following a chronological order. As well as displaying adorable photos of your little bundle of joy with your loved ones, don't hesitate to take photos of the setting. The decorated living room and shiny Christmas tree, or even the stillness of the snow covering your lawn will nicely translate the Christmas mood. If you live near a busy street, capturing the excitement in the air with people rushing to get their last Christmas presents is also a nice reminder of that time of the year.
What to write in baby's first Christmas album
Add captions to your photos to help you recall all the details of that special time. You could go with a humorous tone by typing in the best punchlines of the day or mentioning funny anecdotes that happened during the celebration. For example, add the photograph of Uncle Joe standing in the living room with a big smile on his face, reading “Uncle Joe, relieved that baby food stains come off his shirt!” You could also keep it simple, by describing the photos and enumerating the people that appear side by side on the photograph. Mention who got your little one each gift underneath the pictures of your baby with his or her presents. Once you are happy with your photo book, go back to the first page and add a title. You can come up with different titles, such as “Samantha’s First Christmas”, or “Winter Wonderland”... Find the words that best fit the mood that you have created in your photo book or take a look at our photo album title ideas for more inspiration.